2009년 8월 8일 토요일

Prostate cancer and tips on how to treat

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate gland. The disease is common in men aged over 70 years and in all men aged over 90 years. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men aged less than 40 tahun. Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and No. 3 is the major cause of cancer deaths in men over 74 years. The cause is unknown, although several studies have shown a link between high fat diets and increased levels of testosterone.

Most prostate cancers cause no symptoms because their distribution is very slow. In some cases, newly diagnosed with prostate cancer after spread to the bone (especially the pelvic bones, ribs and spine) or to the kidneys (causing kidney failure). Painful bone cancer and brittle bones become so easy to experience a fracture (broken bone).

Although early symptoms are not apparent, in most patients with prostate cancer commonly encountered few signs. Among other things, usually water still dripping urine, pain when urinating, pain when ejaculating, lower back pain, pain when defecating, and weight loss.

No one has found a patent medicine for this disease. But scientists are developing a new drug called Abiraterone as a drug for prostate cancer.

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