2009년 9월 10일 목요일

Larynx Malignant Tumor disease and tips on how to treat

Larynx cancer is a malignancy on the vocal cords, voice box (larynx) or other areas in the throat. This cancer is often found in cigarettes and alcohol addicts.

Symptoms are often found in patients with hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing. Sometimes a lump in the neck which is the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes, appear before other symptoms arise. Other symptoms that occur include sore throat, neck pain, weight loss, cough, coughing blood, abnormal respiratory sounds.

Treatment depends on the location of cancer in the larynx. Early-stage cancer treated with surgery or radiation therapy. If attacking the vocal cords, most often performed radiation therapy because it can maintain a normal voice. Advanced cancer is usually treated with surgery, which could include removal of all parts of the larynx (laringektomi total or partial), followed by radiation therapy. Appointing the vocal cords cause the patient did not have a voice.

As a preventive efforts against this malignant tumor is reduced or not at all to consume cigarettes and alcohol.

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