2009년 10월 10일 토요일

Rotavirus disease and tips to treat

Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in infants and children worldwide. Most children with rotavirus was attacked at the age of 2 or 3.

Most patients with rotavirus infection can be treated with extra fluids to prevent dehydration. Occasionally, severe dehydration requires intravenous fluids in hospital. But if not addressed can lead to dehydration and death.

Immediately taken to the doctor if the following symptoms in children:
- Bloody diarrhea
- Often vomiting for more than three hours
- Body temperature reached 38.9 degrees Celsius or higher
- It seems lethargic or in pain
- Dry mouth, crying without tears, little or no urination at all, unusual drowsiness (dehydration)

In adults:
- Often vomiting during more than two days
- Vomiting blood
- Blood in bowel movement
- Body temperature reached> 40 C
- Excessive thirst, dry mouth, little or no urination, dizziness (dehydration)

There is no specific treatment for rotavirus infection. Antibiotics will not help viral infections. Usually, the infection itself off within three to eight days. Treatment can be done is to prevent dehydration by giving ORS. If severe dehydration may require intravenous fluids in hospital.

The best prevention is to wash hands before eating.

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