2009년 12월 12일 토요일

Are you people with heart disease? Avoid Feeling Anxious

AMSTERDAM - Restructure the liver is important for health. A recent survey states, anxiety increases the likelihood of heart problems for patients experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.

"This is very shocking," said Dr. Elisabeth J Marten from Tilburg University, Netherlands who do enelitian with his colleagues. "The next step is to find out how bad the anxiety disorders cause blood vessels and heart."

People who have general anxiety experienced chronic tension and excessive worry. But still, this condition can be treated specifically with certain types of therapy treatments and consultations.

Martens and his team had previously found a relationship between depression and the risk of heart attack, stroke and other disorders of the blood vessels and heart in the same group of patients.
Everything involved in the research packet entitled Soul and Heart Study, an investigation concerning the relationship between psychological disorders and heart disease and blood vessels in patients with heart disease 1024 California.

Martens and his colleagues found that poor health behaviors - especially the lack of physical movement - it explains why patients with depression resulted in a worse condition. Because the anxiety associated with depression, the researchers decided to examine whether anxiety in general also gives the results of interference.

Their analysis included 1015 patients, 106 of them have general anxiety disorder. Everything has a heart and blood vessels were stable, which means they have evidence of bad blood alirah in their hearts, but their disease was worsening.

During the six-year period, 371 study participants suffered from heart and blood vessels, heart attack, stroke, heart failure or even death. Nearly 10 percent of participants who have experienced general anxiety disorder associated with cardiac events within one year, compared with seven percent of those who do not have the disorder.

After the researchers took into account dozens of factors that might explain why patients who are anxious to face greater risks, such as depression, physical activity, whether - or not - they are taking prescription drugs, and inflammation, the relationship is still there, and anxiety disorders increase the risk up to 74 percent.

In the document their findings in the Archives of General Psychiatry, Martens and his team claimed the existence of anxiety disorders in patients with heart disease can be used to remind those who face very high risk. "Evaluation and treatment of anxiety may also be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment of all patients with coronary heart disease (CHD)," he added. "Anxiety disorders are common and treatable and can be a risk factor that can be modified in patients with CHD (coronary heart disease)."

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