2010년 1월 7일 목요일

Many Newborn Affected Syphilis

Atlanta - Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that usually occurs in many men who repeatedly replace the pair hooked. But now many babies are born infected with syphilis because of the mother. Syphilis is usually a lot of gay or bisexual men. However, in recent years also exacerbated by the number of transmission among heterosexuals.

According to U.S. government reports, more babies in the United States who were born with syphilis. And most of them born to mothers who use cocaine and working in the sex trade. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. This often does not cause symptoms for many years and therefore can be transmitted by people who are unaware they are infected.

When a pregnant mother who suffered from syphilis, then there is the possibility the baby will be born dead, deaf, suffered nerve damage or bone defects. But this should be prevented by giving antibiotics a month before the birth in pregnant women.

"The level of congenital syphilis in infants under 1 year of age increased by 23 percent. A total of 8.2 cases of 100 000 live births in 2005, and reached 10.1 in 2008," said team Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States, as reported from Health24, Monday (19/04/2010).

According to the CDC, the increase was also accompanied by an increase of 38 percent of cases in women aged over 10 years. And among the largest increase among black women.

"Syphilis among black women has been associated with cocaine use and commercial sex workers (CSW). Case of congenital syphilis is estimated to increase in coming years," said the CDC team. Primary syphilis is transmitted through sexual contact, usually preceded by a single sore called a chancre. If untreated, patients may develop a rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes and other symptoms. Final stage of syphilis is marked with brain damage, nerve, eye, heart, and other organs.

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