2010년 3월 12일 금요일

Reflexology Massage Lancarkan Blood Flow

Reflexology massage services now are like mushrooms in the rainy season. In Jakarta and surrounding areas, you can easily find places that offer this service Muscle relaxants. In fact, many of which opened this reflexology massage service business in shopping centers.

Mushrooming of reflexology massage place not separated from the needs of citizens. Understandably, living in big cities like Jakarta, which makes the body tired easily crowded. In addition to office work load, traffic jams can also make the nerves of the body becomes tense. Especially if you ate rarely exercised regularly. As a result, the stamina of the body becomes not easy sluggish fresh alias. If you already like this, go to places reflexology could be the perfect solution.

In addition to providing physical fitness, reflexology can also make the immune system remains vibrant. "So the body remains healthy and is not easy to get sick," said Bambang Wahyudi, an expert in reflexology and holistic therapies.

According to Bambang, reflexology can open the nervous knots of blood vessels. Ganglion opening will make blood flow more smoothly. Blood vessels include arteries and veins.

With reflection, the blood flow in the artery will run more smoothly. Blood flow is bringing clean blood from the heart to body tissues. Clean blood contains tissue needed food.

Meanwhile, the vessels will bring back the remains left in the metabolism of body tissues to the heart to be processed. "The balance of the body becomes more stable, levels of blood would be normal," said Tom Hardjatmo, nerve and acupuncture experts Sint Carolus Hospital, Jakarta.

That way, the various diseases caused by blood circulation is not smooth can be cured. For example, headaches, depression, asthma, pre-menstrual syndrome to. How, just by massaging the points that are certain nerves in the soles of the feet. "Patients who healed me a lot," said Bambang.

Preventing chronic disease
In addition, reflexology is also able to prevent the emergence of chronic diseases. Because, through reflexology massage, will be caught in the body organs that are problematic, such as liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, heart, and pancreas.

Organs associated with the nerves in the soles of the feet. The top of your foot, for example, associated with breast and lung cancer. If someone is feeling pain during the massage on the nerve, meaning there was something wrong with his lungs.

"Pijatnya only slowly, but excruciating. We would recommend that the relevant health checks immediately to the doctor," said Mohammad Zaenal Mahasin, owner of Reflections Omah.

Moreover, usually there are other special signs that can be known by the therapist or masseuse. At nerve dipi Jat, therapists will find some sort of wadding such as sand. "If normal, nerve point that will be felt fine, but when there is pain, it feels different," said Zaenal.

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