2010년 7월 5일 월요일

Great Lower Back Pain

Mr H (28 years) came to doctors with complaints of lower back pain (pain boyok) is superb. The road was limping in pain. He told his doctor, 'Doc I was yesterday lifted heavy things, and some time later I was very sore hip. I am afraid, lest I be crippled ', says father H.

Low back pain is one of the major health problems. In patients older adults, low back pain can interfere with daily activities in 40% patients and sleep disorders in 20% of patients.

Causes of low back pain

Lower Back Pain is pain that is felt in the lower back region, can be either local pain (inflammation), or pain radikuler (spread) or both.

Pain originating from the lower back can be referred to another area or vice versa pain originating from other areas felt in the lower back region. Lower Back Pain essentially a complaint or symptom and not a specific disease.

Low back pain among other causes of musculoskeletal disorders, nervous system, vascular, visceral, and psychogenic. (Hogan, 2000, Czerniecki, 2001).

Various sensitive buildings such as bone and muscle pain are in the lower back region. All of these buildings contain pain-sensitive receptors to various mechanical stimuli, thermal, chemical. Receptors are in fact functions as a protection (Skew, 2000). Common causes of low back pain is excessive strain back muscles.

Wary of a dangerous back pain

Most causes of lower back pain is not a serious health problem. Only approximately 5% of cases of low back pain caused by serious health problems such as tumors, spinal infections.

Symptoms and signs that a back pain due to the serisu a disease called 'red flags'. Red flags are symptoms or physical signs that give clues to the existence of serious disorders such as fractures, cancer, infection and syndrome of caudal. 'Yellow flags' are psychological factors that give clues that the pain tends to develop into chronic waist.

Tracking will be non-mechanical movement is largely determined by whether there is any 'red flags' that describes the suspicion will cause serious NPB. Pain at rest, leg weakness, impaired urination and defecation, a sense of numbness in the limbs, a history of significant trauma or infection and a history of specific cancers are different 'danger signal' on the Low back pain (Cohen, 2001).

If you experience back pain with one or more 'danger signs', then immediately went to the doctor.

Nervous system involvement is suspected if the pain symptoms in anamnesis found that its spread to below the knee. Pain worsened with walking, impaired urination or bowel movements and weakness in the limbs. Your doctor will perform a thorough pemeriksaani for confirmation (Gow, 2003).

Investigations will be greatly determined by the results of interviews and physical examinations. In cases without the existence of 'red flags', imaging, or imaging examination may be delayed first. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is selected in the examination of cases with suspicion of serious disease in the spine saraft system (Gow, 2003).

How to prevent and treat back pain?

Low back pain patients with moderate to severe pain, subacute or chronic in general, consult with your doctor. Patients should be treated optimally for pain relief and facilitate physical activity and improving quality of life. Selection of drug therapy depends on the severity of the pain and the mechanisms underlying the pain.

Prevention of back pain:
1. Preventive action is the most important action in an effort to overcome disease.
2. Motto is 'Preventing is better than cure'.
3. Perform daily activities with a good and true, because back pain is often caused by incorrect posture and back ditulang loads.
4. Relaxed life with regular exercise, listen to relaxing music, running his religion, reading, recreation and work on his hobby.

Prevention for back pain are:
1. Do not lift, push or pull something. Do not bend or crouch.
2. Try to avoid sneezing, coughing or straining.
3. Up and down stairs, or avoid physical exertion of work.
4. Do not use high-heeled shoes.
5. It is advisable to use a corset waist if the pain increases on the attitude of sitting, standing and walking to accelerate healing

Prevention of recurrence of low back pain:
1. Trying to sit down with the right attitude.
2. Trying to stand with a good attitude.
3. Trying to do the exercises regularly.
4. Enough sleep.
5. Living within the limits of normal tension.
6. Trying to lose weight if overweight.
7th. Do not take risks if such activities interfere with your back.

Oily Skin Treatment Tips Part 2

Oily skin more sensitive to chemicals. Obviously we do not want more problematic skin conditions for use of care products that do not necessarily match.

Using natural ingredients for oily skin be the best solution. No need to spend a lot of cost, you can get the ingredients in the kitchen alone. Here are some natural ingredients for oily skin:

1. Cucumber Mask
- 1-2 cucumber fruit has been blended
- 2 tablespoons yogurt

Mix these ingredients together, then dab on your face and let stand for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with cold water.

Cucumbers pentralisir useful as oil and overcome acne.

2. Tomatoes
- 1 tomato
- 1 / 2 lemon

Mix these ingredients with a little hot water. Then rub with a circular motion on the chin, cheeks and forehead.

Nutritious tomatoes to balance excess oil production in the skin. While useful for a refreshing lemon skin.

3. Keeping your diet
Eat foods rich in protein, vegetables and fresh fruits. Limit your intake of foods high in sugar and fat and avoid eating junk food and fried foods that contain lots of oil. These foods stimulate the production of oil became more of. Also multiply drinking water for the skin hydrated and toxins were more easily get out of the body.

Drugs Can Overcome Dandruff Rinse

Dandruff problems sometimes interfere, although in fact easily solved with mouthwash. One of them with Listerine, which was formulated by Dr. material. Joseph Lawrence in 1879 as an antiseptic for surgery. In an advertorial magazine May 1930 issue of Popular Science, openly claimed that Listerine could overcome dandruff.

In an advertorial is to say, how to use Listerine just wiped my scalp and then massaged with circular movements. Repeat for several days, add olive oil if too dry scalp. Listerine product reputedly the most powerful drive of dandruff is the original version (yellow), the ability to paralyze the highest mushrooms. Course should be ascertained scalp clean and free of injury.

Tips are quite reasonable considering that most dandruff is triggered by mold and other microbes. Mouthwash can be overcome because it contains thymol and methyl salicylate as an antiseptic and alcohol as an antimicrobial. Meanwhile, to prevent, do not use conditioner because excessive residual nutrients are left in the scalp can trigger dandruff. Because it is more advisable choose separate conditioner than shampoo and conditioner in one package.

In addition, eating vegetables and fruit regularly is also good for dandruff prevention. Various nutrient content in these foods can keep your scalp remains healthy. If deemed necessary, supplements containing vitamins B and E and zinc are also good for consumption. While that should be avoided include spicy food.

Once the time doing outdoor activities are also highly recommended. Enough sunlight is believed to prevent the emergence of dandruff. Lastly, avoid stress because it can reduce overall health condition. Dandruff is easy to appear in these conditions.

How to Quickly Eliminate Eye Swelling

Puffy and swollen eyes can be caused by lack of sleep or fatigue. But also because you can cry all night. Swelling in the eye by itself will disappear. But the moment where you had to look perfect, of course this condition is very disturbing.

Follow these tips to loss swelling of the eye:

1. Use cold cucumber slices. Then compressing on a swollen eye. for 15 minutes. Not only overcome the swollen eyes, cucumbers can also overcome the tired eyes.

2. Derba Luftman, dermatogolist advised to soak a soft washcloth in cold chamomile tea. Compress the eyes for some minutes. Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory thus freed from the swollen eye after being compressed.

3. Rose water is also believed to eradicate the swelling of the eye. Compress the eye with a washcloth that has been made lebut dicelupi into chilled rose water. Let and relaxed for a moment during the 10-15 minutes and feel the results.

Why We Feel Pain Bitter Tongues?

When less healthy body, Often bitter taste all the food. Foods that are sweet though, it's become so bitter herbal appetite diminished. Bitter sensation on the tongue alone is usually not present. The symptoms are always present with other conditions that dry mouth and unpleasant breath.

To note, the food should be dissolved with saliva to be perceived by the tongue. Therefore, if your mouth is dry, the ability of the tongue to taste the taste will also be reduced. Excerpted from The Breath, Wednesday (05/05/2010), dry mouth commonly caused by reduced production of saliva for many reasons. Salivary little means of oxygen also decreases, thus triggering the growth of anaerobic bacteria.

These bacteria produce large amounts of sulfur gases and cause an unpleasant mouth odor. The bacteria itself can also cause a bitter sensation on the tongue. Some people have a tongue with a rougher surface, and thus more vulnerable overgrown with bacteria. Because of papillae or bumps on the tongue larger, at first glance looks more white tongue and hairy.

According to Dr. Rob Danoff of Frankford Hospitals, quoted from MSN, Wednesday (05/05/2010), tongue in tasting ability is also closely related to the ability of the nose in the smell.

This bitter tongue usually occurs when someone is having flu, fever, sinusitis, nasal infections, polyps, and allergic rhinitis. Although the tongue to function properly, the ability to taste will be problematic because the nose can not smell well. Still according to Dr. Rob, the other factors that cause a bitter tongue, among others:

1. Drugs (anti-thyroid, zinc preparations, antibiotics, drugs to nerves, etc.)
2. Radiation and chemotherapy drugs
3. Aging (taste and smell function decreases)
4. Medical conditions (Bell's Palsy, Parkinson's, Diabetes, GERD, etc.)
5. Injury to the mouth, nose or head
6. Oral hygiene is not maintained
7. Fungal infections of the tongue or mouth area
8. Cancer in the head or neck

While a few ways you can do to prevent dry mouth, as quoted from The Breath, among others, as follows:

1. Avoid products that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (found in some types of shampoos, detergents and toothpaste)
2. Reduce the citrus-flavored juice (tomatoes, oranges, etc.)
3. Avoid coffee and cigarettes
4. Use a mouthwash for 90 seconds / day
5. Drinking eight glasses of water / day
6. Diligent in taking vitamin C every day.

Eyebrow forming appropriate expert Han Chenny

Everyone has a different long eyebrows. The location and length of eyebrows will affect facial expression.

Eyebrows that are considered perfectly normally with a curved shape, far from the eyes and thicker at the base and thinning to the end. The proportions are adjusted size of the eye.

Here are tips on finding the site and long eyebrows, quoted from Book 'Make-Up Eyebrows' from Chenny Han:

1. Eyebrow base
To determine the position of the base of the eyebrows, draw a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the eye.

2. Edge Eyebrows
To determine the position of the tip of an eyebrow, draw a straight line from the outer nostril to the outer edge of the eye.

3. Highest point
To determine the position of the highest point of eyebrows, draw a straight line upward from the outer corner of eye. Nevertheless, the highest point may be shifted to the left eyebrow or right to follow the trend and style makeup needs.

Determining the ideal length of an eyebrow distance between the left and right eyebrows above the base of the nose is along the width of the eye.

5 Tips to Eliminate Varicose veins

Fine lines and veins that appear on the legs may be varicose. Varicose veins occur in that function to transport blood throughout the rest of the metabolism of body tissues and return to the heart.

Varicose veins due to reduced vein wall elasticity. Causes veins to weaken and are unable to drain blood to the heart.

Varicose veins cause blood circulation is not smooth, due to obstructed around the calf and leg when the weight of the body. Besides in the foot, was later revealed that varices can also occur in the arms.

To reduce varicose veins follow the following tips:

1. Wearing high heels
For you lovers of high heels, should start reducing customs wearing high heels. Try to buy the rights of no more than five centimeters.

2. Avoid standing for too long
Standing too long to be one cause of varicose veins. Therefore, avoid standing for too long. But if you must force your job standing in a long time, make sure that you do not stand in the same circumstances
long time. Move a little to the blood vessels are not rigid.

3. Avoid eating too much sugar, salt and fried
This is what makes people with high cholesterol and diabetes risk have varicose veins.

4. Eat vegetables and fruit
Healthy foods that can prevent varicose veins. Vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and foods that can stimulate blood circulation, such as onions and ginger-bawangan. Do not forget to take vitamin B complex, C, E, B6, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and zinc. Avoid spicy foods such as black pepper, especially when you are swollen veins.

5. Sport
Sport is very good for health. Because of its heart and stimulate blood flow, so that they can avoid going varices. Sports such as jogging, brisk walking, cycling and swimming are excellent for smooth blood flow.

9 healthy tips that can sleep soundly

"Sleep soundly asleep and is a strong foundation for mental and physical health," it said David Simon, MD, Medical Director of The Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California, USA. The cells of our bodies need rest to function optimally.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from insomnia or sleep difficulty as a result the body is often tired, less alert mentally, and physically weak. Many people do a variety of ways to sleep soundly, for example, consumption of sleeping pills. If it is often done, it's not that we get healthy, but the dependency and can damage organs. To be able to enjoy sound sleep, follow these healthy tips 9 can sleep soundly for the following:

1. Do not be too full for dinner
Try dinner at the bottom at 19.00, so you do not sleep in a full stomach.

2. Reduce mental activity that takes after 20:30 o'clock

3. Turn off the lights start at 22:30
If not used to sleeping at this hour, promote sleep half an hour earlier each week until you used to sleep at 22:30

4. Hot bath an hour before bed
Put lavender essential oil, vanilla, or sandalwood in the water bath to make you more relaxed. Remove the light and aroma therapy pairs. If possible, listen to soft music and soothing.

5. Drinking warm water
Could be milk or chamomile tea. Avoid consumption of coffee, carbonated beverages high.

6. Make the Diary
Just before bed, download the contents of your mind so active in the diary, so that your head is not too full again.

7. Read the books
Do not select a novel or a dramatic reading that requires thinking. Choose books that inspire.

8. Feel your body
When he was lying in bed, close your eyes and feel your body. That way, you bring attention to the body. If there is tension in certain body parts, take relaxing area.

9. Note breath until asleep
These actions can help, remember you are still lying in bed. Quietly observe breath. At that metabolic activity in a state of slow, just like when we sleep soundly.

Hopefully with simple tips so that we can sleep more soundly on top can be useful for us all. If there are less obvious with tips on living healthy, please ask in the comments form.

List of 10 Best Foods for Brain Health

We've all heard "you are what you eat". Nutritious foods and balanced, of course, good for our bodies, especially for the most important parts of our body, ie brain.

With a list of the best food for the brain, the brain health of our brain is always awake so that we can work optimally. Here is a list of 10 foods that are proven to improve overall brain health.

10. Oysters
If your hobby seafood, of course like to eat it. Research has shown that the oyster is very beneficial for your brain. Oysters are rich in minerals zinc and iron, which is very helpful agan for keeping the mind sharp and improve the ability to recall information agan easily. Zinc and iron have been associated with the brain's ability to stay focused and remember information. Lack of zinc and iron can lead to distortions of memory, poor concentration, and of course other diseases throughout the body.

9. Whole Grains
Is brown rice, oatmeal, whole-grain breads, wheat, etc.. Food is working to increase blood flow to the brain is very supportive of the quality and quantity of brain function. These seeds contain lots of vitamin B6, which is full of thiamine. Thiamine is great for anyone trying to improve memory. Scientific research has shown that memory loss has increased dramatically during the late agan reach 60's or early 70's, eating whole grains is good for the age agan aging.

8. Tea / Green Tea
You like to drink coffee in the morning? Try to replace with a cup of tea! Just freshly brewed, green tea or black tea is very beneficial for your brain because it contains catechins. Have you ever had a day where the body feels tired, tired, and "too lazy" to think? Maybe because you're less catechin in your brain. Catechin useful to keep the mind sharp agan, fresh, and work properly. It also allows for more relaxed and help to combat mental fatigue. Green tea is much stronger than black tea, both very good for agan.

7. Egg
As we get older, our brains begin to shrink because of something called brain atrophy. However, we can fight this natural process by routinely eat the eggs. This is because eggs contain a lot of vitamin B12 and lecithin. Vitamin B12 helpful against brain shrinkage, which is often seen in Alzheimer's disease. Eggs, although very unhealthy if eaten too much, because it is full of essential fatty acids. Egg yolk, although very high cholesterol, also high choline, which is the building substance of the brain cells. Choline may help improve memory all of us. But do not most have eggs, just 1-2 eggs a day.

6. Curry / Spices
Spices very diverse and not limited to the coriander, turmeric, pepper, chili powder, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, mace flower, kelabet, fennel, bay leaves koja, and cloves. This herb is very useful to keep the brain fresh. As the main ingredient of curry powder, curcumin full of antioxidants that help fight brain aging and maintain cognitive function as you get older. Antioxidants are also struggling against free radical damage that can occur in the brain and body. Free radicals can cause inflammation and other diseases in the body. Kari is not only good for the brain, can also fight diabetes and heart disease.

5. Berries / Fruit Berry
Blueberry is very good in improving motor skills and learning ability overall agan. Most berries, including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc., are full of antioxidants that are good for improving brain health. You can help reverse the effects of aging on the brain by eating this fruit once a day. Berry, most contain fisetin and flavenoid, which is very good for improving memory and allows you to easily recall past events.

4. Nuts and Seeds / Nuts
Finding food that has all that is good for the brain? Is the food of nuts and seeds. Like peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other types of nuts or seeds that you can think of, good for your brain. Nuts and seeds are full of Omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as folate, vitamin E, and vitamin B6. All of these nutrients allows agan to think more clearly. They also help agan think more positive, because the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids work as natural antidepressants. Some seeds and nuts are also full of thiamine and magnesium, which is good for memory and cognitive function of the brain.

3. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, katuk, spinach, etc., very good for the brain of children and adults. This vegetable is very helpful when it comes time to recall old information and processes such as agan just learned yesterday. This is because these foods are full of vitamins B6, B12, and folate, which is an important compound in the brain needed to break down homocysteine levels, which can lead to forgetting and even Alzheimer's disease. These vegetables are often contains high iron.

2. Fish
Fish as a whole is very beneficial for health, especially for your brain. Fish is full of Omega-3, which is a fatty acid that is very beneficial to the body in various aspects. Eating one serving of fish a week can greatly reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer's disease. These fatty acids help with brain function because they coat the neurons that sometimes has a layer of fatty acids which are stiff with a high content of cholesterol and saturated fats in the body. Omega-3 will cover the neurons with good fats, which allows them to move easily throughout the brain. Omega-3 also provides more oxygen to the brain, and allows one to store the new information while still remembering the old information. The best fish to eat for brain health is salmon, tuna, and herring.

1. Chocolate
Try to replace coffee with hot chocolate drink in a day, but delicious, chocolate is very nutritious for the brain. Scientists have proved that the antioxidant content found in only two or three tablespoons of cocoa powder is more powerful than the antioxidants found in other foods, such as green tea or red wine. The main antioxidants found in cocoa, known as flavonols, it is important to help increase blood flow to the brain.

So simple tips to keep our body health, especially the brain. Good tips to keep your brain health with a list of the best food for the brain is useful for us all. If there is still not clear with maintaining brain health tips, please ask in the comments form.

Lower Weight Loss With Chinese Tea

Since old times, tea is a nutritious beverage for Chinese mainland residents. No wonder They are known sound, strong, long-lived and have the ideal body shape.

China tea spread throughout the country as a healthful beverage. Beauty of the world was affected by the properties of the famous Chinese tea is rich in anti-oxidants.

In addition, Chinese tea was able to lose weight. But not all types of tea beneficial in weight loss, following useful mentioned variants of tea in weight loss.

Green tea
Green tea is the most popular type of tea to lose weight. Benefits of green tea is to help accelerate the rate of metabolism whose function is to burn calories and reduce fat storage in the body. In addition, green tea may also reduce appetite. Not surprisingly, green tea has become popular in weight loss.

White Tea
White tea comes from the buds and young tea leaves that function similar to green tea which helps to burn calories. Besides tea, also works to help stabilize the level of cholesterol in the blood. White tea also has the effect of anti-virus and anti-bacterial nice to support the immune system.

Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is a kind of transition between the black tea and green tea. Besides having the function of weight loss, oolong tea is believed to have other compounds that contribute to the effectiveness of fat burning. Some people believe oolong tea more effective in the appeal of green tea, perhaps due to caffeine content in oolong tea is higher.

Tea-tea can be found at stores selling tea in large supermarkets or shopping malls, traditional markets to China. For a safe and effective results follow the advice of the peracik presentation.

Tips Oily Skin Care Part 1

Oily skin needs special attention to be more diligent in maintaining it. Because otherwise it may cause pimples and blackheads.

Following treatment of oily skin:

1. Using the right cosmetic products
If you have oily skin problems, you should look for oil free cosmetic products and are guaranteed safe for sensitive skin. For example using mineral based cosmetic products. The use of cosmetics for oily skin should also be done when the face is clean and dry. Wet skin will make the perfect cosmetic does not stick. While the less clean the skin, will provoke the growth of acne and damage the pores - pores of the skin.

2. Using a moisturizer
Oily skin does not mean that the face does not need a moisturizer, skin moisturizer and equipment needed to control the oil in the skin. Choose a moisturizer with water-based content, the content does not leave a sheen on the face.

2. Do Special Care
Facial, Scrub, and a mask was needed to face. To maintain the cleanliness and good skin health. If not able to do at the salon, take the time to do it yourself at home with natural materials, such as cucumbers, oranges, and others.

3. Do not wash face too often
Washing your face too often can lead to Reactive Seborrhea. This reaction is the loss of sebum or natural oils that can cause the skin is very dry and scaly skin. In one day enough of one to two times just washing your face with a gentle foaming soap.

6 tips to keep fresh breath

Fixing a smelly breath depends on what the cause. In 80 to 90 percent of these cases, because something in the mouth. Most often due to a dirty mouth. Plaque, bacteria that almost invisible and constantly formed in your mouth, often responsible for causing bad breath. Other causes such as holes and gum disease.

Sometimes, bad breath is caused by something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract or systemic (bodywide) infection. However, eating food garlicky is one of the most common cause. A strong odor of foods like garlic, onions, and alcohol is carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by the lungs. One of the biggest factors that cause bad breath is a tobacco or cigarettes.

In addition, some health problems, such as sinus infections or diabetes (which may provide a chemical breath odor), can cause bad breath. However, bad breath can also be eliminated or at least be reduced. Here are tips to keep my mouth so as not to smell and breath fresh.

1. keep your mouth clean
Keep your mouth clean. That means a thorough brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. Food and bacteria trapped between teeth and the gum line can be removed only with yarn. If they are too long can cause breath odor

2. cleaning tongue
Clean your tongue, too. The bacteria left on the tongue tang you can contribute less than fresh breath. Be sure to brush your tongue after you brush your teeth. Apply at least 2 times a day.

3. wet your mouth
Quickly dry mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva helps clean your mouth they have a natural antibacterial action, and sweep the food particles. Breath that terrible morning is the result of reduced saliva flow at night.

4. diligently rinse
If nothing else, at least rinse with plain water after meals. Water swishing around can help to remove some food particles left in the mouth after eating and prevent bad breath. Make a mouthwash after every meal.

5. chewing piterseli
Chewing parsley or spearmint will not cure bad breath, but the aroma of the herb itself can help to mask bad breath temporarily.

6. consumption of many vegetables
Foods that help fight plaque can also help fight bad breath. sperti celery, carrots, peanuts or a little low-fat cheese if you want a snack.

Although bad breath tips to keep it simple, but it can help you reduce bad breath is not good. Good tips to keep bad breath and tips to reduce bad breath can be useful for us all.

Detox Body With Ginger

Bath is a fun activity. The body will feel more relaxing. Feeling tired and achy will soon be lost.

If done by adding the ginger into the bathtub will serve as a useful detox to remove toxins in the body that was issued through sweat.

Ginger is useful to warm so the body will sweat more. Besides this kind of spices can be blood circulation.

Here are the materials that need to be prepared for a bath:

- 2 cups ginger juice
- Espom 1 cup salt (salt UK)
- 3-5 drops of essential oil

Combine these ingredients in a bathtub which was filled with hot water. After that you can relax in the tub for 30 minutes. After about 15-20 minutes the body will sweat, then you can scrub the entire body with a loofah in a circular motion. Rub it in addition to remove dead skin cells, and blood circulation. If scrubbing longer in the breast, are believed to also be deter breast cancer.

After that, you can wash your body again with cold water to close pores. Dry the body with a towel, then use body lotion afterwards to moisturize the skin. For maximum results, after a bath, you can drink warm ginger water while relaxing. Drink this work for the organs of the body, such as assisting cardiac function and strengthen the intestinal muscles. In addition Gynecology ginger is also great for skin care, because it contains antoksidan that help reduce the effects of free radicals that is aging and wrinkles on the skin.

Various Factors That Cause Flu

Someone flu is not only caused by changes in the weather or the decrease in endurance, but also a variety of causes with which we previously thought. Anything?

1. Sugar consumption is too much
It turned out that too much consumption of sugar not only causes us to get diabetes, but can also make us vulnerable to the flu. You see, the ability of white blood cells in killing bacteria in our bodies, will be reduced for five hours ahead.

2. Lack of drinking water
Not only will the kidneys are affected by the disease if we lack drinking water, but the flu can. the cause is toxins in our bodies, do not waste it. For this reason, we should consume as much water, to avoid interference with the kidney and flu.

3. Weight Loss
For you who is currently on a diet, be careful. According to the researchers, this can result in you getting a cold. Why disturbed hormone balance, causing inflammation that might disrupt the ability of immune cells that fight infection produced by the influenza virus.

4. Often 'Digging your nose'
For you who have the habit of nose, be careful, because it can cause flu viruses enter the nose kelubang nasal wall kamu.Yup you because it helps to produce mucus / mucus. The function of mucus / mucous is to catch and prevent the virus into the body. Well, since you like to pick my nose, your nose klubang sure you are dry, automatic discharge / mucus does not appear, so the virus will be free to enter.

5. Stress
It's no coincidence when suddenly you got the flu after completing deadlines very important job. because according to the study published in the American Psychological Association, prolonged stress weakens the immune system response. Causing virus enters our body.

6. Lack of sleep and Sports
Lack of sleep and exercise seem to be able to weaken the immune system (immune system) in this surefire kita.Tak body will allow germs into tubuh.KArena of that, we must keep our sleep and exercise regularly. So that the immune system in our body immune and working correctly.

Prevention of Early Care Wrinkles

Wrinkles caused by lack of moisture on the skin so that its elasticity is reduced. Wrinkles will happen faster if the skin stress and not well maintained. Therefore the basic skin care is very important. These treatments include:

1. Cleaning the face with cleansing milk
Always clean the face with facial cleanser cream milk. Clean
routine before bedtime or after waking.

2. Night Cream spread
Apply night cream to the face while massaging in a circle. This activity serves to blood circulation. In addition, night cream works to maintain skin moisture, and helps regenerate the skin.

3. Peel Off Type Mask Use
This mask serves to remove impurities and excess oil on your face. Wear a mask type this twice a week.

4. Exfoliating the skin with peeling
Peeling is useful to remove dead skin cells causes wrinkles and spots of black-spots. Do home peels once a month. Now you can get at the peels beauty products for pet shops. Simply apply the cream peeling 3-5 minutes. Peeling contain active ingredients, if too long attached to the skin, the skin can become irritated and red.

5. Using Sun block
Sun block serves to protect the skin from the sun which gives effect was also burned black. Never miss wearing sunscreen or sun block when their activities outside the home.