2010년 7월 5일 월요일

Great Lower Back Pain

Mr H (28 years) came to doctors with complaints of lower back pain (pain boyok) is superb. The road was limping in pain. He told his doctor, 'Doc I was yesterday lifted heavy things, and some time later I was very sore hip. I am afraid, lest I be crippled ', says father H.

Low back pain is one of the major health problems. In patients older adults, low back pain can interfere with daily activities in 40% patients and sleep disorders in 20% of patients.

Causes of low back pain

Lower Back Pain is pain that is felt in the lower back region, can be either local pain (inflammation), or pain radikuler (spread) or both.

Pain originating from the lower back can be referred to another area or vice versa pain originating from other areas felt in the lower back region. Lower Back Pain essentially a complaint or symptom and not a specific disease.

Low back pain among other causes of musculoskeletal disorders, nervous system, vascular, visceral, and psychogenic. (Hogan, 2000, Czerniecki, 2001).

Various sensitive buildings such as bone and muscle pain are in the lower back region. All of these buildings contain pain-sensitive receptors to various mechanical stimuli, thermal, chemical. Receptors are in fact functions as a protection (Skew, 2000). Common causes of low back pain is excessive strain back muscles.

Wary of a dangerous back pain

Most causes of lower back pain is not a serious health problem. Only approximately 5% of cases of low back pain caused by serious health problems such as tumors, spinal infections.

Symptoms and signs that a back pain due to the serisu a disease called 'red flags'. Red flags are symptoms or physical signs that give clues to the existence of serious disorders such as fractures, cancer, infection and syndrome of caudal. 'Yellow flags' are psychological factors that give clues that the pain tends to develop into chronic waist.

Tracking will be non-mechanical movement is largely determined by whether there is any 'red flags' that describes the suspicion will cause serious NPB. Pain at rest, leg weakness, impaired urination and defecation, a sense of numbness in the limbs, a history of significant trauma or infection and a history of specific cancers are different 'danger signal' on the Low back pain (Cohen, 2001).

If you experience back pain with one or more 'danger signs', then immediately went to the doctor.

Nervous system involvement is suspected if the pain symptoms in anamnesis found that its spread to below the knee. Pain worsened with walking, impaired urination or bowel movements and weakness in the limbs. Your doctor will perform a thorough pemeriksaani for confirmation (Gow, 2003).

Investigations will be greatly determined by the results of interviews and physical examinations. In cases without the existence of 'red flags', imaging, or imaging examination may be delayed first. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is selected in the examination of cases with suspicion of serious disease in the spine saraft system (Gow, 2003).

How to prevent and treat back pain?

Low back pain patients with moderate to severe pain, subacute or chronic in general, consult with your doctor. Patients should be treated optimally for pain relief and facilitate physical activity and improving quality of life. Selection of drug therapy depends on the severity of the pain and the mechanisms underlying the pain.

Prevention of back pain:
1. Preventive action is the most important action in an effort to overcome disease.
2. Motto is 'Preventing is better than cure'.
3. Perform daily activities with a good and true, because back pain is often caused by incorrect posture and back ditulang loads.
4. Relaxed life with regular exercise, listen to relaxing music, running his religion, reading, recreation and work on his hobby.

Prevention for back pain are:
1. Do not lift, push or pull something. Do not bend or crouch.
2. Try to avoid sneezing, coughing or straining.
3. Up and down stairs, or avoid physical exertion of work.
4. Do not use high-heeled shoes.
5. It is advisable to use a corset waist if the pain increases on the attitude of sitting, standing and walking to accelerate healing

Prevention of recurrence of low back pain:
1. Trying to sit down with the right attitude.
2. Trying to stand with a good attitude.
3. Trying to do the exercises regularly.
4. Enough sleep.
5. Living within the limits of normal tension.
6. Trying to lose weight if overweight.
7th. Do not take risks if such activities interfere with your back.

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