2010년 12월 17일 금요일

Healthy tips careful in choosing yogurt

Healthy Tips careful in choosing yogurtConstipation problems should not be underestimated. Not only makes our stomach discomfort such as receive waste in the intestine, digestive problems can also cause complications such as ulcers, hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. For that you need to adjust your diet with plenty of fiber, and exercising regularly. Eating yogurt can also help overcome constipation.

But do not arbitrarily choose yogurt to overcome constipation. Because if the wrong choice of yogurt, can makes the prevention and treatment of constipation, be not optimal. Based on advice from health experts, following the correct criteria in choosing yogurt:

1. Outdated of period less than three months
Good yogurt containing live bacteria. These bacteria will work to overcome the problem of constipation. Long live of good bacteria is not more than three months. So if you see outdated period yogurt with a of more than three months, the good bacteria in it are not working optimally, or not the live bacteria is needed to overcome digestive problems.

2. Not UHT products
Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) is a product that is heated, or food that passes through the sterilization process with high temperature within a certain timeframe. UHT products will cause the good bacteria are dead. In fact, we need live bacteria to overcome constipation.

We recommend regular consumption of yogurt twice a day for two weeks, as the treatment of constipation. Better yet, as a precaution, with routine consume every day. Yogurt with live bacteria safely consumed every day.

Routine consumption of yogurt also will not cause diarrhea. In fact, people suffering from lactose intolerance safe to consumption yogurt. People who experience lactose intolerance tend to have diarrhea when drinking milk, because her body can not absorb lactose.

Simple healthy life tips on choosing a healthy yogurt safe to consumption useful for us. If there is any questions about tips for selecting healthy yogurt, please send via the comment form.

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