In addition to interviews with medical specialists, there are actually some questions you can answer yourself to just know the possibility of a decline in testosterone levels in your body.
Answer these questions and your answers match the results with the statement below.
1. Do you feel back pain or pain in muscles and joints?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
2. Do you often excessive sweating?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
3. Are you having trouble sleeping?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
4. Do you often experience excessive panic or anxiety?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
5. Are you easily tired, often experience changes in mood, and often feel down (collapsed)?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
6. Are you experiencing hair loss?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
7. Did you experience a decrease in sexual desire?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
8. Are you finding it difficult to maintain an erection?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never
If your answers are mostly A:
From the symptoms seen, there is a possibility you decreased testosterone. However, you should not panic because the decline in testosterone levels in men is that many cases occur, can also be experienced by men below the age of 40 years, let alone a man with contemporary lifestyles.
You are encouraged to contact medical experts and take a test to measure testosterone in your body, as well as the appropriate treatment. More than that, quickly changed into a healthier lifestyle. Excessive stress and unhealthy lifestyles become one of the triggers in a syndrome of decreased testosterone.
If you answered mostly B:
Although the above conditions are not too often appears, you should consult your doctor and undergo specialist tests to measure levels of testosterone in your body. When an impairment of the hormone testosterone, therapy immediately and correct the pattern of life and the stress process in stages so as not to interfere.
If you answered mostly C:
There are no symptoms that indicate decreased testosterone in your body, but it could not hurt to verify. It is better you have a test to measure levels of testosterone in your body, along with medical check-up (general medical examination) yearly. This step is necessary to monitor as well as part of efforts to health maintain.
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