2009년 11월 11일 수요일

The dental pain is memorial chronic diseases

A lot of tooth decay occurs in modern societies is associated with several diseases
such as heart disease and diabetes. The discovery is based on the research of nutrition and health experts in New York.

Dr. Philippe P. Hujoel of the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle said the most damage to teeth caused by a lot of carbohydrates contained in the basic materials of food today. Carbohydrate here including foods containing sugar and starch to be broken down into sugar in the mouth, as well as from the dried fruits.

Hujoel in the journal Dental research reveals that gum disease and tooth decay is a sign of alarm signal can be a person more at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health problems.

Research also shows that gum disease are caused by excessive sugar intake, which then increased in a few weeks when people avoid carbohydrates. If it continues then it might be associated with chronic illnesses will also continue.

"Clearly, the alarm bell of the tooth has a very low yangs limit for activation, responses that occurred a long time can require many months or even achieve an annual, as opposed to the decades it takes for the disease is clinically visible," Hujoel said, as quoted from Reuters, Tuesday (28/07/2009).

Hujoel said to follow-up study was to determine the diet that is good for dental health but also good for pushing your overall health. Because it could be dental disease will increase along with changes in lifestyle.

From now on take care of your teeth like other body part, because the teeth also play an important role in creating a healthy body overall.

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