2009년 11월 11일 수요일

Simple tips to recover faster from flu

Erratic weather can make anyone who got the flu or common cold. Initial symptoms such as sneezing and fever can disappear without treatment, only with a few simple steps such as rest and drink green tea.

Flu categorized as self limiting flu disease, which means to get rid of its own without treatment. The treatment is needed if symptoms are severe enough to disrupt the event. If mild symptoms, then the naturally immune system would give resistance to flu viruses.

Here are some tips to help improve the immune system when exposed to the flu, was quoted from MensHealth:

Breakfast antivirus
If you wake up in unhealthy conditions, do not ever skip breakfast. A study in the Netherlands proves, as much as 1200 calories for breakfast increased levels of gamma interferon in the blood up to 450 times more than no breakfast. Is a natural antiviral compounds in the body that serves to ward off the flu.

Fight with stress
If prolonged, stress can indeed weaken the immune system. But for the short term, busied himself with the hard work actually effective in reducing symptoms of the flu. According to a study at Ohio State University, the short-term stress can fight the flu if it lasted no more than half or one day.

Brewed coffee or green tea
Coffee or green tea in the afternoon not only make the body more relaxed, but help the immune system to fight viruses. Coffee or green tea drinks also contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has a property to turn off the virus. These tips have studied in Canada, by incorporating green tea into the colonies of adenovirus causes the flu. The result, the activity or replication of the virus multiplies at a stop.

Adequate rest
Ideally in a day to sleep not less than 7-8 hours. According to research at UCLA, decreased sleep time by 40 percent would lower the immune system up to 50 percent. But do not sleep with a way to force occasionally drink alcohol because it actually weakens the body immune system. We recommend using a loose-fitting clothing such as t-shirts and shorts to faster circulation, and can sleep more comfortably.

Still do light activity
Research conducted by the University of Massachusetts to prove, that a mild physical activity can reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections by 25 percent compared to just quiet during the day. Mild activity triggers the production of white blood cells, whose function is to fight the virus or bacterial infection. These activities should not be too heavy, because fatigue makes the body vulnerable to infection. Even though the marathon athletes, the risk of infection will increase after the race.

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