2009년 11월 11일 수요일

Uric acid disease and tips to treat

Uric acid is a purine metabolism substances derived from foods consumed. Purines are substances contained in each food that comes from living bodies. In other words, if we are eating chicken meat contained therein purines, the purines that go into our bodies. Not only meat, vegetables and fruits also contain purines.

If the body under normal conditions, uric acid is to be issued by the body through feces or urine. However, because the kidneys are unable to remove the uric acid that occurs is the level of excessive uric acid in the body. Uric acid was then collected in joints, causing pain and swelling. That is why gout patients are usually difficult road.

Common symptoms of gout among others; tingling and shooting pain, pain at night or early morning, the joint affected by gout, swollen reddish color.

Some solutions that can prevent or treat gout can be done with; do treatment (for those who already suffer from uric acid), the control of food consumed daily, multiply drinking water. White Water helps rid the body of purines.

Some foods containing purines, and should be avoided much as; viscera, liver, kidney, spleen, babgat, colon, lung and brain, shrimp, mussels, squid, crab, corned beef, sardines, meat, eggs, condensed soup, tempeh, Oncom milk soy, spinach, water spinach, cassava leaves, and cauliflower. Addition of alcoholic beverages. Food and beverages should be avoided.

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